Sunday, June 9, 2024

The quest for the a game system


So, an unexpected potential RPG contender. I first encountered this system with the old Talislatia game by Bard games. It appears to have gone by many names, Omni system, Omega System and simply as the resolution chart from a couple of games. It is a straight forward system, that is weighted towards successful outcomes for the players. It features a single die type [D20] with the die roll result compared against a chart.

  •  0 or less Critical failure
  • 1-5 is a failure
  • 6-10 partial success
  • 11-20 Full success
  • 20+ Critical success

This die roll is typically modified by skill levels and one of the characters stats. Against these positive modifiers, the GM will assign a difficulty level. To assign a difficulty level, the GM is to consider how difficult the task would be for an average character with no skill levels in the relevant skill. The system also ranks the players skill levels which aids, in my opinion, in determining if a die roll is even required. 

The magic system is interesting and I like a lot of it. I am still likely to use some variant of C&S, The Arcanum and this system. The spell creation rules in this system is quite useful, but as a GM I still like a list of spells, but I think the players may have fun with it. There is also a Talislantia magic book that will blend in well and has plenty of flavour. 

In short there is a lot that I like about the resolution system and other aspects of the game. It certainly is also quite possible to convert other game stats into this system. .






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