Saturday, June 26, 2021

Talisman Adventures review


                                            Well this was unexpectedly good, go figure!

Well on a stupid whim, I decided to pick up this game just the other day. It is based on a tedious, pointless boardgame that I used to play in my more youthful days, back when I did not know any better. So what could go wrong with making an RPG out such a vacuous boardgame? Well everything! But, somehow the creators of this game managed to embrace many of the aspects of the world created for the boardgame, yet at the same time have sidestepped the limitations of the boardgame.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Enemy Rocket Ships


Our stalwart heroes will be going up against these. The bomber will be delivering the Purple Death to the planet Earth if the Earth does not capitulate.

The cruiser is the main workhorse of the Moon, while the heavy cruiser is a larger upgraded cruiser with more guns and a bigger crew.

These were done on Inkarnate, using de-saturated, and increased brightness, wooden ship templates that were also stretched, and narrowed.